2 distinct pathologies (Pandemic 2020)

Marie Laure Becquelin
8 min readNov 1, 2020




I think we are making a major mistake. There are 2 distinct pathologies and not just the Covid-19 to this Pandemic.

What I will develop below stems from observation and good sense, with some knowledge in several fields of Science. I am not Scientific by profession, but I am “Intellectually curious”, with interest in the unanswered questions of fundamental Physics.

The pathology that worries us is a Virus, therefore a microorganism, within the purview of Biology.

The second pathology, which remains unexplained, and is named falsely “phase 2 of the Covid-19”, deploys 4 disorders which are generated by radiation. The cause is “electromagnetic” in nature, and not biological. This is probably the reason why it wasn’t within the comprehension of doctors.

To those who will want to close this document immediately, I would like to remind of Hiroshima, and of the known, listed and undeniable health consequences due to radiation. Most of us also know the effect of radiotherapy on the body.

To summarize, we are enduring two attacks, a Virus attack and a Wave attack.

And these two attacks are correlated.


Covid-19 is a respiratory virus, among thousands/ millions of others, and thank God it’s not Ebola! The symptoms are similar to those of seasonal flu, headaches, back aches, sore throat and dry cough.

Natural immunity quickly overcomes it, and Hydroxy-Chloroquine (along with other Quinine derivatives) activates this healing process because it breaks the malaria sequence that has been detected inside this virus (Pr. Montagnier). By doing so, it destroys the virus.

But then some patients develop several other disorders which are critical, sometimes lethal and yet unclear to virologists.


It starts with:

1. The Cytokine storm, a violent autoimmune reaction.

Then 2 serious disorders affect the blood:

2. Hypoxia, our hemoglobin no longer supplies enough oxygen to the organs.

3. Embolism, are clots which form in the blood.

And later:

4. Pulmonary Fibrosis, affect patients who recovered from acute cases of Covid-19, and are similar to organ fibrosis generated by radiotherapy.


Could radiation be the cause of these 4 unexplained physiological problems?

My answer is “Yes”.

- 2 conditions are related to the heat produced by the rays.

- The 2 others result from a “loss of role” of our cells.

(The “Loss of Role” is a concept which I will explain below)


1. Fibrosis, is known as a consequence of radiotherapy, where the heat of radiation thickens and hardens tissues. (To put it simply, it’s like cooking a steak…) The small, fresh pulmonary alveoli harden and shrivel and the person loses a percentage of his/her respiratory capacity. He/she is less oxygenated.

It is a consequence at posteriori, a silent and serious one.

2. Embolism is caused by thrombus (clots) that form in the blood, and block a blood vessel.

One of the causes of clotting is blood coagulation, in presence of heat.

Hemoglobin is a protein, and it will form little clots when heated. These will obstruct the lung’s blood vessels. (Sharing a picture: make blood sausage by heating pig blood).

During the Pandemic, it has been observed that the clots were forming mainly in the lungs; This is because radiation run through connective tissue following this route: Nose à Mouth à Trachea à Lungs (Bronchi & Alveoli) à Blood.

It can also be pointed out — but this corroborates the electromagnetic pollution, that mini-thrombosis often accompany the installation phase of most autoimmune disorders. The responsibility for some clots could therefore be attributed to the Cytokine Storm (Disorder No 1.)


The 2 other disorders, the Autoimmune reaction and Hypoxia are due to cell “Disinformation”.

Disinformation originates from irradiation, which distorts Cell Information.

Let me explain what I mean by the concept of “Cell Information” or “cell Role”.


- You know your role: within your family, at work, and you know your direction in life.

- Cells replicate the same pattern. Like you, they also have a role and a direction.

Thus, a liver cell fulfills its role which is very different from that of an eye cell.

At the heart of beings and cells, there is a role, an information, a coding.

And this information is transmitted by frequencies digitally: 0–1–1–1–0–0–1–0…

Please refer to Prof. Montagnier’s experiences on this subject.

But what if the information was no longer transmitted correctly?

What if the waves which convey the information were altered?

Here is an example at our scale: Place an electric saw right next to your ears for a while, you’ll go crazy, or you’ll lose consciousness.

You will lose your Spirit, your Reason, your core Information.

Well the same goes for your cells:

Submitted to deeply penetrating waves their original information is scrambled.

Deprived of their programming, disinformed, they lose their intention, their direction, and become “crazy”.

5G uses very high-frequency waves, from 30 GHz to 300 GHz, also known as millimeter waves (same frequency as crowd control weapons).

We can therefore assume that these extra overpowering waves interfere with our body’s own waves and electromagnetic fields, hereby altering the cell information that they convey.


1. Cytokine Storm

It is a deep and generalized inflammation.

Take it as a global chaos in which each cell and organs are completely disoriented.

This reflects well their loss of role under the influence of radiation.

2. Hypoxia

It is a lack of oxygen supply to the organs, due to role failure of Hemoglobin.

Hemoglobin’ s role is to deliver Oxygen to cells, and oxygen is the fuel that provides vital energy.

Hypoxia is the major cause of death of this Pandemic.

Here is how it unfolds:

Harmful waves flow easily on the connective tissue of the respiratory tract, because it is moist thus ‘electrically’ conductive. These waves damage cell’s role, and it begins with:

1. The nose, with loss of smell, (Anosmia)

2. The mouth, with loss of taste, (Agueusia)

3. The Throat and Lungs, (Irritation of the larynx and pharynx)

Both pathologies feature a dry cough due to irritation, and this common symptom is the reason for the creation of a Corona virus, to conceal the deadliness of irradiation.

4. The blood with loss of Oxygen transportation by Hemoglobin, in the pulmonary alveoli, which are the interface of gas exchange.

Without oxygen, organs cannot survive. It’s Hypoxia.

It was therefore believed that the severe phase of Covid-19 was a respiratory problem, whereas it was a blood disorder, and more precisely, a Hemoglobin respiratory function disorder.


Disturbed cells adopt 2 types of behaviors:

1. If the attack is sudden and impactful, it triggers an autoimmune disease.

Cells turn against themselves (inflammation) and self-destroy.

2. If misinformation is slow, pervasive, pernicious, it induces cancer.

When cells feel their species is threatened, they reproduce anarchically.

For example, trees bloom during summer, when soils are dry; Flowers will give seeds, which in turn will become trees to perpetuate the species.

Species in distress reproduce.

Whether cells proliferate, or annihilate, they have lost common sense.


I believe that there are 2 pathologies.

The first one is a simple flu which smokescreens 4 serious illnesses yet unexplained by Doctors, and yet responsible for the deaths of the “Pandemic 2020”. They are resulting from 5G irradiation.


I think that 5G was set on 3 GHz last Spring (in Europe), and operators will raise it to 30 GHz, during the October — November curfew.

If the frequency is proportional to mortality, this “second wave” could be way more deadly than the first. It is possible to witness an upsurge in PIMS-TS, another inflammatory reaction in children. (As we saw in France and England, last May 2020)

This upsurge of serious cases would serve as leverage in the unconditional acceptance of the “Covid-19” vaccination. (Smart dust)

Professors, Doctors, Lawyers who said this summer that Covid-19 was finished will be discredited and ridiculed.

5G will then continue its deadly journey, and after the autoimmune inflammatory reaction falsely named Covid-19, fibrosis and cancers will progress within medium and long term.


Observe the outbreaks of Covid-19, modeled exactly on the areas where 5G is present. (5G antennas are Fuchsia dots).


As for the perfect management of the crisis in Sweden, here it is!

It comes down to a single 5G point, in Stockholm, where there are 6 antennas.



5G is dangerous. It is deadly immediately as well as in the medium term.

It is also the core tool of the Deep State’s Machiavellian Plan.

A tool that will allow Control, Manipulation and Robotization of the People, and ultimately their Genocide.

We have hard evidence now:

From the WHO Plan of 1969, to the Georgia stones, Rockefeller Scenarios (2010), Event 201 (Rehearsal of the Pandemic on 18 Oct 2019), Covid-19 Patents, Patents on Body Activity linked to the crypto-currency, the papers of Canada…

Now the Deep State proclaims the Great Reset of Klaus Schwab in the open.

5G was installed without the knowledge nor consent of the Peoples, who weren’t even listened to, when they objected!

So why accept it passively, when stopping it is the Duty of Mankind!

We have the obligation to advise governments to stop it.

And if they do not act, they will prove unworthy of their mission of ‘guide and protector of the People’.

Then, we will have to act.

The antennas are on Earth, and their electric cables are accessible on the ground. Unlike the 5,000 antennas manufactured by Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos (Amazon) which are launched every day in Space. For these, we are powerless.

By removing 5G, we will avoid the deadly part of the disease due to toxic radiation.

This will annihilate the Fear, our worst enemy, and destroy the Plan of the Deep State.

Let’s get sovereignty back to the People!



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